5 teams announced as winners in “Star Track” tournament
In Dnipro, Noosphere Engineering School held a student space tournament “Star Track”, where students and university graduates presented their developments in the field of space research and competed for the opportunity to prepare a prototype of the project for testing!
As a result of the pitching session on the 2nd of December 2017, we are excited to congratulate the following teams with the winning: DniproSkyLAB, Universal Rocket, Clasna-Rocket, Rocchetta Space Vehicle (Physico-Technical Faculty of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University) and DH (Dniprovsky College of Rocket and Space Engineering of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University).
There were 28 participants who formed 7 teams and competed for the victory.
The latest student developments were presented as the followings.
The "DronHunter-I" project is a fully automated drone that allows to detect and capture enemy drones crossing the borders of a sovereign state (created by DH team). The only possible analogue of this development is the drone with a snare net, used by the Japanese police. Due to the fact that the project is fully automated in contrast to the analogue, it does not need an operator.
The CLASNA Rocket team presented a single-stage meteorological research rocket project. The jury evaluated the original idea proposed by the team, which consisted in using a dual-mode engine to increase traction at the beginning of the active site. Also, an aerodynamic needle was used, which reduces the drag of the air, and as a consequence, can be used to extinguish the kinetic energy during landing. In addition, the solution of the same problem was presented by the team "Rochetta space vehicles". The innovation of their project is seen as the use of a hybrid rocket engine instead of the classic solid-fuel rockets for this type.
Representatives of the DniproSkyLAB team proposed the project of creating a carrier rocket for CanSat launches, taking into account the fact that in Ukraine such types are not yet available. The development was carried out for the maximum load (4 units) with a maximum height of 6 km. The main constructive and technological moments were experimentally developed and demonstrated by the ready-made elements of the rocket. The innovation of the project is the use of three-layer structures made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic and fiberglass in amateur rocket modeling. Such technologies allow to reduce the weight of the structure, and, consequently, a lower thrust of the engine is required which reduces the costs of its development and manufacturing.
The Universal Rocket team presented a proposition to create the Ukrainian segment of the international CanSat project, whose goal is a research of possible constructive-layout schemes of missiles under CanSat, development of its missile, launcher and payload dump system (3 satellites CanSat).
The winners were rewarded with cash prizes. Importantly, the teams received a chance to develop and test their prototypes (all expenses will be covered by the organizers), and submit the results before April 12, 2018.
Stay tuned with the updates from Noosphere Engineering School and find out first, whose prototype will conquer the space development industry!
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